
Showing posts from May, 2018

Agro Technology Park in Gannoruwa.

This Agro Technology Park is one of the best agricultural parks in Sri Lanka. It placed in Kandy District. One side of the park is bourdered by banks of Mahaweli river. There are variety kind of vegetables, fruits and medicine plants. It is very important place to take advices about cultivating for farmers, students and generel public.Morover local and newly improved plant categories also there. The landscape has devied into sections and we can see paddy, vegetables, fruits, root crops, dry zone crops and floriculture. Each an every section has instructors and they provied neccessary information for viewers. Entrace of the garden we can see vegetable. All types of vegetables are cultivated there. Then rice section, here you can see variety kind of rice. After that you can see fruit garden and medicine garden. They have used mini irrigation system, road system and soil system for each an every garden. Finnally ther

Magul Maha Viharaya.

Magul Maha Viharaya is an ancient Buddhist temple situeted in Lahugala, Ampara District of Sri Lanka. It's near to Lahugala National Park. According to to history there are many legends around with creation of this temple. One of them is, it has build by king Kawanthissa (205-161) , who ruled the kingdom of Ruhuna in ancient Sri Lanka. But an other sources telling that king Dhathusena (463 - 479) built this temple.  Moonstone of Magul Maha Viharaya. According to legend this temple land has used for the wedding of Prince Viharamaha Devi with King Kawanthissa. Then later they have buit a a temple for remember their wedding ceremony.After they have presented it for Bhuddhist monks.   Ruined Magul poruwa. The Magul poruwa or the Bodhigaraya. The entire temple complex has covered an extent of around 10,000 acers where ruins of a place, moonstone, monastery, bo- maluwa, stupas, ponds etc are found. This area surround by the forests of Lahugala National Park. As we

Mother's love..

See the mother's love, Not only among human being, But also among animals.  They have a beautiful love inside of them. So give them to chance, To care each other, These are the heritages of us. The world success with everything.  Such as animals, plants, insects Human are including to animals. The earth is for these everyone, So never try to kill others. Look and think how to kill these innocence, Nevermind to kill them. Try to protect others, Then automatically they will protect you..!

Sinharaja Rain Forest.

Sinharaja Rainforest. Sinharaja rain forest is a world heritage national park in Sri Lanka. It is a part of Sri Lanka lowland rain forest. The word "Sinharaja" means that, "Kingdom of Lion". The landscape of Sinharaja is 21 km from east to west and 7 km from north to south. It has different trees according to various layers. There are different trees, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals living this area. Every time it has wet and evergreen nature.                                                                           Recently this land never become dry zone, such as Yala National Park. When we talk about animals , specially there  are no elephants. As well as you can see leopards rarely. In this landscape commonly you can see large mammal is the endemic purple faced Languor.  Moreover  you can see these animals and plants. See the beauty of Sinharaja Rain Forest. Learn more about Sinharaja... you will surprise.


Hummanaya Blowhole. Hummanaya is the the second largest Blowhole in the wold. It situated in Dikwella  area. It is the only Blowhole in Sri Lanka. Between each and every 10-15 minutes water pressure come up with "hoo" sound. The sound telling the active of Blowhole. Sometimes the spray reaches up to 120 feet. It is a more attractive natural beauty of Sri Lanka.    See the beauty of Hummanaya Blowhole. See the beauty of Hummanaya....


History of Ussangoda. Ussangoda is a place of natural beauty in Sri Lanka.It situated on the Colombo- Katharagama road near Ambalanthota- Nonagama junction in Hambantota District of Sri Lanka. It also nature reserve and is located in the Southern dry zone area. Ussangoda is a patch of high ground by the sea and spreads over a significant area. But unlike the rest of the land surrounding. It's only covered with grass and a few pockets of pygmy forests. It has a various soil structure, flora and location. According to general belief it is a part of a meteor hit or a proximity to meteor hit. Because of that hit, the soils became reddish color around the area.   See more about Ussangoda national park.

The rainbow river.

The rainbow river.    This is a one of amazing rivers in the world. It located in Colombia."Cano Cristales" is the pure name of it. The river is commonly called "River of Five Colours" or the "Liquid Rainbow". Yet it is the most beautiful river in the world. It has various colour combination. Such as green, yellow, blue, black and red. It is 100 kilometers in length. Cano Cristales river has a variety of aquatic plants. These plants named Macarenia Claviger plant. By lightening of these plants give different colours for beauty of this river. See the beauty of "Cano Cristales"........ see more about Cano Cristles......

mystery of Bermuda.

Mystery of Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the western part of Atlantic Ocean. It's also called as The Devil's Triangle.It bordered by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. There are many ships and planes were disappeared mysteriously in this area. But any one couldn't give correct explanation for it's mystery. A  U.S.Navy bombers became disappeared while flying over the area. The  planes were never found. There are many boats and planes have disappeared through this area.  See the wonder of Bermuda Triangle. Surely you will surprise!   Read more about this.....

The eighth wonder'

The eighth wander of the world. Sigiriya is one of the most valuable historical place of Sri Lanka.  Actually it is the most visited tourist destination of Sri Lanka. The place is located in the heart of the island between the towns of Dambulla and Habarane.  It is 370 meters high from sea level.   According to science the rock of Sigiriya has created from magma by activity of volcanoes. It is 200 meters higher than surrounding jungles. It has complex irrigation system, vast gardens, ponds, canals, alleys and fountains. In the second half of fifth century king Kasyapa decided to construct a building here.  It has designed in the form of a huge stone Lion.But today we can see only feet of lion. Because it was destroyed according to time. To give thanks for this lion, the place was named Sigiriya, The term Sigiriya originates from the word Sinhagiri. In Sigiriya you can see many attractive places. In 1982 Sigiriya got 8th wonder of the world by UNESCO. Yet it an


see the busy world. Everyone is busy in their life, So, they have to bring Their life toward perfect..... But life is not always perfect.! There are many problems, Around us. But problem is not the end. It's the beginning of some thing. According to our dessicion, It will be good or bad.

beauty of HORTON PLAIN.

Horton plain. Horton plain is a protected area in the central highlands of Sri Lanka. It's covered by montane grassland and cloud forest. This plateau at an altitude of 2,100-2,300 meters. You can see various animals, plants, waterfalls and natural beauty of this area. Every time the area has very cold nature.                                                                   The worl's end. It also a popular tourism destination and is situated 8 kilometers from Ohiya, 6 kilometers from the world famous Ohiya Gap/ Dondra watch and 32 kilometers from Nuwara Eliya. It's a UNESCO world heritage site. Some important places of Horton plain. See this video and learn more about it. You will surprise.. learn more about Horton Plain... Read more.....


Problems with us. We have to face them, And solve them, That's life... Don't try to escape them, Try to solve them with your brain, Don't wait untill your luck, Luck is the thing what you are doing.  When you do proper things,   Luck will come with you.   Waiting is not suitable,   Find the luck your self... Every greaters found their luck, With struggling and fighting. So, you also have to fight with problems. Then you have to win.                                THAT IS LIFE....