
Showing posts from June, 2018

Father's love.




Value of life.




Panama Canal.

Panama Canal is an engineering marvel. It situated in Central America. This canal allows the water flow between Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. It is about 64 km in length. So, the ships can travel through the canal more quickly. As well as travellers can save time and money by transporting through this canal. Map of Panama Canal.     Panama Canal consists of many artificial things throughout, there are lakes that are artificially created. In 1904 the United States began to building the canal. It was completed in 1914. At that time it was the largest project that has ever been undertaken by the U.S Government. This project has employed approximately ten thousands of workers , and the whole project priced about $350million. The canal permits shippers of commercial goods. Such as grain, ore , and liquid along with; automobile  carriers, container ships, tankers, liquid gas carriers,  and also passenger liners. Moreover this canal is use to many nava

Sorrowful fate of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The sorrowful fate of Japan beginning with World War II.The main reason is Japanese droped bombs to Pearl Harbour of United State. America couldn't believe this bombing incident of Japan against them. It was the major militory place of US with weapons, bombs, aircrafts and ships. So, the work of japanese America lost these everything and they hate to Japan. Bombing of Japanese to Pearl Harbour of America. Then United State decided to give return for Japan by droping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There were two bombigs. The first bombing happened  on August 6 in 1945 to Hiroshima. The bomb named "Little Boy". It's a uranium gun type bomb. At about 8.16 a.m the bomb droped to Hiroshima and were dead people between 90,000 and 166,000. Before bombing to Hiroshima. After atomic bombing to Hiroshima. Before and after the bombing of Hiroshima. After the bombing about 70,000 of 76,000 buildings were dameged or destroyed and 48,000 of those we

Mohenjo-daro Civilization.

The " Mohenjo-daro Civilization" is a still surprising civilization with well planned cities and advanced urban system. It located on the banks of the Indus River, in Pakistan. For many years it's an underground hidden civilization. "The mound of the dead men" is an other name for it. It is a testimony to a rich cultural history.  It is a city of "Indus Valley Civilization". Architectural designs of Mohenjo-daro. It is one of the places of UNESCO World Heritages. The city had marvellous planned structure, that was well build up with a good drainage and sanitation system. Moreover well planned towns with streets. The well planned Mohenjo-daro city. As well as there are some evidences about public swimming pools with changing rooms near the city. Still archiologists and historians couldn't found the language of the Indus Valley's. According to some evidences there had an agricultural economic system and they had prosperous life.

"THE PINK CARD" by Indira Ananthakrishrwn.

This a short strory of Indiran Ananthakrishrwn. There is a girl called Penni. She is a little girl and sold knick-knacks for little girls near a school. Sheela is one student of  that school. One day sheela came to by a pencil from Penni and after that time they were friends. Sheely and Penni were same age children.  Penni also wanted  to go to school., but because of their poverty she has no any chance to do it. But Sheela had various kind of life than Penni. She is a girl of rich family and she had everything what she want. One day a fortune teller came near the  Penni's cottage to tell about fututre of people. After looking this man Sheela wanted to ask about her future. The man was with a parrot and had different colours of cards. Parrot chose a pink colour card for Sheela. There was something about her future. He told she'll be a rich and well educated person in future. That time Penni also wanted to see about her future and wanted a pink colour card such as Sh

Summary of "The Gift of the Maggie" short story.

This is a short story of O. Henry. It is about a young married couple called Della and Jim. They aren't high class family. They had little money. Both of them planned to buy a present secretly eachother for christmas day. Della had some money, but it isn't enough for buy any present. Jim also thought about a present for Della.  She had long and attractive hair, that's the valuble thing of she had. Finally she thought to cut it and sell a shop who collecting hairs. Then she brought an attractive chain for his golden watch which given by his grand father.         Unfortunatly Jim decided to buy beautiful combs to her as a gift, by selling his golden watch. Then he went to house with happy mood to give his present. That time she also waiting at home to give her present to him.  Finally they changed their presents eachother, and were shocked by looking their presents. Although she hasn't her beautyful hair,  without any trouble Jim hugged her af


"The Pentagon" is a Virginia headquaters of United State (US). It is a department of Defens, located in a huge five sided concrete and steel buildings. It shows about military strength of America. Space of the floor is more than 6 million square feet. It was designed by America architect George Bergstrom. It has built according to real pentagon shape. The Pentagon. It is the largest office building of the world. There are about 23,000 military and civilian employees serve for Pentagon. During the II World War the terrorist attacked and struck it. Because of it 189 people were died.After damaging again it was built by using steel, limestone and concrete. After terrorist attacking. It has built according to Architectural and Structural design work. The area is a highly secured area. The people inside the area cannot make any connection with external world. Every facilities inside the Pentagon. Such as food center, hospitals, fitness center and other facil

Secret of Area-51

The Area 51 is the most famous military installation in the world. It situated in the western part of United State. It is highly classified Air Force militery area with highly security guard. According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) there are two main places of Area 51. These are, " Homy Airport " and " Groom Lake " . The name Area-51 was used in a CIA document from the Vietnam war. It has refered to as Dreamland and Paredise Ranch. Map of Area-51. It mostly supports the development and testing of experimental aircrafts and weapons system. There are many myths and legends around secrete of Area-51. The operators and solidiers have many conditions and highly demanded guard system for each an every person. So anyone cannot give informations about this area with external world.  Warninng area In the Southern part of Groom Lake is a huge military airfield. It is a natural landing field with salt flat area. The operators of "Area -5