"The Pentagon" is a Virginia headquaters of United State (US). It is a department of Defens, located in a huge five sided concrete and steel buildings. It shows about military strength of America. Space of the floor is more than 6 million square feet. It was designed by America architect George Bergstrom. It has built according to real pentagon shape.

The Pentagon.

It is the largest office building of the world. There are about 23,000 military and civilian employees serve for Pentagon. During the II World War the terrorist attacked and struck it. Because of it 189 people were died.After damaging again it was built by using steel, limestone and concrete.

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After terrorist attacking.
It has built according to Architectural and Structural design work. The area is a highly secured area. The people inside the area cannot make any connection with external world. Every facilities inside the Pentagon. Such as food center, hospitals, fitness center and other facilities.

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Get more knowledge about Pentagon by looking this video.


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